Sunday 28 March 2010

Glasgow Tigers 48 v Edinburgh Monarchs 45

A poor day all told. Horrible hangover, another new camera to get used to and dodgy weather codonditions. Oh, & the Tigers lost the Spring Trophy to Edinburgh. I know, I'm full of excuses....

On the plus side, I do have a couple of video clips to stick up, including Lee Dicken's cracking heat 9 ride. Sad we couldn't capitalise on such a close score from the 1st leg, but there was a horrible inevitability about it when the on form Kalle Katajisto & ever reliable Matthew Wethers lined up in heat 14. The resultant 8-1 meant Ryan Fisher knew exactly what he had to do in the last heat.

For the Tigers, Jamie Courtney had a poor day, and Robert Ksiezak got mugged three times for places, on one occassion surrendering a decent lead over Kalle Katajisto to lose a valuable heat advantage on the line.

Josh G looks better and better each week, Big Lee pulled out a cracking ride in heat 9, James Grieves put last weekend to bed with 12 & Mitchell took a decent 6+3.

Travis McGowan had a good enough meeting, but I had hoped he would have been quicker out of the blocks in heat 15. That said, Fisher got a virtually untouchable start, so not sure if it would have made any difference. That said, his 'We spanked you guys' patter is like pish and it's about time he stopped trying to kid us on he has a personality.

Vid clips to come.


Dekker said...

Buce oics as usual Ewan, nice to see Fish is as popular as ever.

Nice donuts by matty now that he left his fuel tap on.

Ewen Nicolson said...

Thanks. Pics could be so much better tho.

Oh, and defo sour grapes. I make no bones about that. ;)