Wednesday 21 April 2010

Berwick &b Workington 2nd Halfs (and other stuff)

Stephen Morris (Worky 2nd Half)

The Tiger dons a pair of Mitchell's old Bermuda's at the Berwick meeting . Can anyone can tell me how the guy in the suit didn't die of heat stroke? He was bounding about like a loony for the whole meeting. Top guy, whoever he is.....

Jimmy Culbert (Berwick 2nd Half)

Stephen Morris (Berwick 2nd half)

Gary Beaton (Berwick 2nd half).

The 3rd bend welcomes all comers.....

Wendy takes a spin (Berwick 2nd half)

James McBain. Now riding for Buxton as well as carrying No 8 duties for Glasgow. (Berwick 2nd Half)

Cal McDade in fine form (Berwick 2nd Half). He had a decent night at Armadale the following Friday. Didn't score hugely, but very entertaining and tried hard all night.

Jimmy Culbert rounds a stricken Phil Learmonth (Worky 2nd Half)

Phil Learmonth (Worky 2nd Half)

The 4th bend takes it's toll on McFarlane's rake.

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