Sunday, 10 April 2011

Practice Day

Michal Rajkowski


Bunch of shots from todays practice session at Ashfield.

Track seems to need a wee bit more work done on it to get it a bit smoother, and the various cosmetic issues are in the process of being dealt with, but it looks like everything should be ready to go next Sunday.

The important thing is that the riders seem to like the track shape and flow of the track.

Also great to see the old faces again. Looking forward to Sunday afternoons again.

Danny ushers Grieves jr back to the pits. James Grieves Joe Screen & Christian Henry
Nick Morris
Theo Pijper
Christian Henry


BlackCountryBiker said...

Lovin Smokin' Joe's new suit... The new banking looks like it'll give the riders some great outside lines there and the track will soon bed in after a few meetings to iron out the lumps and bumps. Lookin forward to comin up to see it for myself. Keep us posted again, missed your blogging thro the winter.

Ewen Nicolson said...

Hi BCB. Hoping like hell it works out. Been a long hard winter and the base didn't quite work the way they wanted initially. Or the 2nd time round...... That it's at all rideable is a miracle. Still some work to be done before Sunday I believe.

A few vid clips will be up soon.

